You Will Need:
Camera, clear ziplock sandwich bags, stapler, yarn
Take about 10 photos at home of your children, family, and pets doing typical daily activities, such as: getting dressed, playtime, cooking and eating, reading books, bathtime, doing the laundry, cleaning, getting into the car, yardwork, bedtime, feeding the pets, etc.
Place the photos into ziplock bags (you can put 2 photos back-to-back in each bag). Make sure you press all of the air out of the bags before sealing. Staple the bags right under the ziplock. Stack the bags and tie a piece of yarn around them under the ziplock to provide extra stability. Make one "album" for each of your children. You can keep the albums at home or bring them to school for your children to look at and share with their friends during the day.
Leave the albums out where your children can reach them. At school, teachers can observe the children and interact with them as they talk (or babble!) about the people they see in their albums.
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