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About Our Admissions Process

Montessori Sample School 2

(555) 555-5555

Our Curriculum

Based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Maria Montessori, our classrooms are thoughtfully designed environments that encourage self-directed exploration and individualized learning experiences.

  • Our Infant / Nido Program

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    Our Montessori Infant / Nido Program

    "The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth." -Dr. Maria Montessori

    The Italian word 'Nido' - meaning 'nest' - conveys the spirit of our infant environment, where each child is nurtured as a unique individual, and encouraged to explore in a beautiful, safe, and orderly space. Materials are carefully chosen for their educational purpose and sensory qualities.

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  • Our Toddler / Twos Program

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    Our Montessori Toddler / Twos Program

    “Education is a natural process carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words, but by experiences in the environment.” -Dr. Maria Montessori

    Each toddler is treated as a unique individual, encouraged to exercise their growing autonomy and expanding language in carefully prepared, safe, and orderly surroundings. Our planned environment space promotes exploration, independence, order, and freedom of choice and movement. Read More
  • Our Primary Program

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    Our Montessori Primary Progam

    "The essential thing is to arouse such an interest that it engages the child’s whole personality."

    The three-year cycle in the Primary classroom allows children 3-6 years of age opportunities to learn from each other, to act as role models for learning, and to respond to their natural drive to work. This stimulating, cooperative atmosphere allows the children to develop at their individual rate over the three-year period, and to take each subject of study to a deeper level of understanding with each year. Read More

What Parents are Saying

Our greatest advocates are our families.

"If all leaders demonstrated the respect, confidence, and compassion that we’ve experienced at your school, we would live in a much better world."

The Montessori Approach

"The environment must be a living one, directed by a higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared for his mission." -Dr. Maria Montessori

At Bright Horizons Montessori Schools, we provide your child with an education that lasts a lifetime by following Dr. Maria Montessori's groundbreaking methods and incorporating the most current thinking from today’s strongest Montessori practitioners in the field.

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Learning at Home

My Home Photo Project

You Will Need:

Camera, clear ziplock sandwich bags, stapler, yarn


Take about 10 photos at home of your children, family, and pets doing typical daily activities, such as: getting dressed, playtime, cooking and eating, reading books, bathtime, doing the laundry, cleaning, getting into the car, yardwork, bedtime, feeding the pets, etc. 

Place the photos into ziplock bags (you can put 2 photos back-to-back in each bag). Make sure you press all of the air out of the bags before sealing. Staple the bags right under the ziplock. Stack the bags and tie a piece of yarn around them under the ziplock to provide extra stability. Make one "album" for each of your children.  You can keep the albums at home or bring them to school for your children to look at and share with their friends during the day.


Leave the albums out where your children can reach them. At school, teachers can observe the children and interact with them as they talk (or babble!) about the people they see in their albums.

More Ideas

Our Curriculum Components

“The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.” -Dr. Maria Montessori

  • Practical Life Purposeful activities enhance concentration and focus through caring for the self and the environment, fine motor coordination, and practicing grace and courtesy. These appeal to the child’s need for movement, order, independence, and social relationships.
  • Sensorial Montessori materials and hands-on activities stimulate sensory discovery and description, while maximizing the child’s natural desire to explore, classify, and order their surroundings. Children learn concepts of mass, width, length, temperature, and other physical properties.
  • Math Using carefully prepared tools and manipulative materials, children are led through a logical mathematical thought process— from concrete to abstract – to understand concepts like linear counting, the decimal system, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Language Our thoughtfully-planned classroom environment encourages growth in oral language, written expression, reading, and grammar elements. The approach to reading instruction is phonics-based and highly sequential introduced within context that are whole and meaningful.
  • Culture Multicultural studies lay a foundation of mutual understanding by exposing children to geography, history, physical, and life science basics. Children gain an awareness of the world around them by exploring other countries, their customs, foods, languages, and wildlife.
  • Peace Peace education consists of opportunities and experiences for children to develop an ability to understand and access peace within themselves, interact peacefully with others, and eventually engage in activities that create a peaceful planet.
  • Art The art area in a Montessori classroom provides developmentally appropriate and open-ended experiences that foster creativity and sensory development.
  • Foreign Language Capitalizing on the young child's propensity for language acquisition, foreign language is integrated into the prepared environment through individual and small group instruction utilizing hands-on materials and experiential, conversational interaction.
  • Music From transition times to lessons, music and song is infused throughout the day. Montessori bells and other instruments are available for experimentation and formal instruction.
  • Garden Lessons in the outdoor environment help children develop an understanding of and appreciation for the complexity and interdependence of our living world. The children develop the skills of exploration, observation, experimentation, and conservation.

Parent Involvement

“Imitation is the first instinct of the awakening mind.”
-Dr. Maria Montessori

We partner with families to provide children the most enriching personal growth experience balanced with a superior education. We welcome and encourage families to participate in the many opportunities we offer to join our school community. At Bright Horizons, we live the notion that “it takes a village to raise a child”, and our inclusive attitude toward our families reflects our belief that together we create outstanding individuals and exemplary world citizens.

A few ways to be involved include:

Parent Ambassador Group, Volunteering

Get involved in our Enrichment Activities

“The activity of the child has always been looked upon as an expression of his vitality.” -Dr. Maria Montessori.

Test Enrichment Activities