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Admissions Process

About Our Admissions Process

Conestoga Valley School District

(717) 989-2725

Our Curriculum

Creates developmentally appropriate educational environments that empower children to be confident, successful, lifelong learners.

  • Our School-Age Program

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    School-Age Summer Camp

    "The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth." -Dr. Maria Montessori

    We offer a dynamic summer camp program for children ages 6-12. Our camp provides children with fun opportunities to explore, create, and enjoy the wonders of the season. Each weekly session provides a unique thematic program so children can experience a variety of topics in depth. Learning at Bright Horizons is a journey of discovery, investigation, experimentation, and collaboration. Read More

What Parents are Saying

Our greatest advocates are our families.

"My two children have different strengths yet each gained an excellent sense of learning enjoyment and respect for others at Bright Horizons. My gratitude goes to the committed teachers who make the school the best in the area."

World at their Fingertips

Every day, kindergartners through sixth graders come to Hildebrandt to expand their school day. We offer a safe space created just for school-age children; one designed to extend the academic experience and nurture children with art, music, sports, science projects, and more. Plus, our engaged teachers focus on reinforcing classroom lessons to support individual interests and abilities, and inspire creative thought. Snacks, activities, and homework-help are all on the daily schedule. But children get a say in their day, too, with the chance to explore our indoor/outdoor areas, relax in soft spaces, and engage in a responsive environment that supports their development – the perfect setting for learning and discovery.

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Learning at Home

Grocery Shopping

You Will Need:

Shopping list, magazine or newspaper with food images, scissors, paper, glue, writing utensils


Work with your child to make a list of items you need to buy at the grocery store. Have him help cut pictures of items out of the newspaper, magazine, or weekly grocery ads and glue them onto the paper to create a visual shopping list. Go to the grocery store and have him use a pencil, crayon, or marker to cross or check off items when found.


This activity encourages children to assist in shopping and helps with reading skills. Start out with a small list. Allow your child to push a child size cart if it's safe and available at the store.

More Ideas

Parent Involvement

We partner with families to provide children the most enriching personal growth experience balanced with a superior education. We welcome and encourage families to participate in the many opportunities we offer to join our school community. At Bright Horizons, we live the notion that “it takes a village to raise a child”, and our inclusive attitude toward our families reflects our belief that together we create outstanding individuals and exemplary world citizens.

A few ways to be involved include:

Parent Ambassador Group, Volunteering, Parent Education Workshops